Thursday, 18 July 2024

Kidzone 2024


Kidszone is done and dusted again for another year with the weather Gods being kind to us this year although a little brisk in the mornings.

The first hour in the ' workshop ' each day was a little slow but when they came it was thick and fast right through to about 3pm daily.

In total approximately 2500 items went out the door, contributing of Boxes which were very popular. In fact we run out of these on Sunday about 2pm and had to bring over Bird Feeders to go with the Birds to see us through to Monday. That was a good thing, not much to take back the club rooms.

 For those that were unable to help this year you missed something ready special, to see the faces on the kids after they had put together their item or items said it all.

President Kevin would like pass on his thanks to the SWWG members who gave up their time including Glenda and David Pires wife who also help out during the past six days – A big Thank You.

Ross Ferguson


Kidzone  2024 Invercargill

10 July  - 15 July

Preparations for Kidzone are well underway in our workshop 'factory' and hopefully all will be ready and packaged for the big day.

Again this proved to be a big challenge to get 2000 bags with items ready for the big day and just to give you an idea how many individual pieces are to be manufactured for these kit sets is nothing short of mind boggling.

 Members of the Guild cut 18,000 pieces of wood, drilled 36,000 holes, sanded 18,000 pieces (that's A LOT of sawdust!!!), and cut 4,000 pieces of string. 

wow !!   all done by some very dedicated members of the Guild who spend many hours, days, weeks to make it happen.
So a massive thank you guys ( men and woman ) for this fantastic effort and I am pretty sure this Kidzone will be a great success again.

If you like to now more about the ILT Kidzone festival then check out the website

 Some snapshots here of the Guild members packaging 2000 bags with wooden bits and the ones cutting all the string bits.



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