About Us

The Southland Woodworkers Guild is a not for profit organisation based at 5 Mary Street, Thompson Turnbull Park, Invercargill 9810. ( see map under contact )

We provide a fantastic place for people to meet, commune in fellowship, and to work and learn about the different formats of working with wood.

The Workshop


We have equipment and tools for the use by members, and there are plenty members who can offer advice on techniques and give tips on, lathe turning, carving, use of the scroll saw, cabinet making, safe use of woodworking machinery, and tools, and the safe upkeep of machinery and tools, and much more.

The safety aspect is of great importance here.   More info under workshop tab top of page.

Workshop Hours

Mondays  and Thursdays 7 pm - 9 pm
Wednesdays 9.30 am - 2.30 pm
Saturdays 9.30 am - 2.30 pm

Meeting Nights
1st Wednesday of Month 7 pm - 9pm

Neville and Ron


We supply volunteers for KidZone annually and provide basic tools, instruction, and the materials for children to make themselves a toy or other wooden article that they then take home with them.

Join Us

Membership of the guild is open to all people over age 18 at only $ 100 per year which will give you the use of all woodworking tools and equipment in the workshop, discount on a great range of wood, a chance to pick up new skills with some tutoring available and not to forget rubbing shoulders with a bunch of like-minded friendly people welcoming you as if you were family.

OUR Library on site;

A well stocked library for use by members of the Southland Wood Workers Guild is fully functional with a great number of books and magazines on any woodworking subject.
Forget about Google it's all here.
Members Wood Working Library
Members Wood Working Library
Thousands of books and magazines have been donated by members over the last 20 months to make this an excellent  library source of information.  
Melamine for shelving and MDF has been donated by SWWG member Jihoon Kim from Dongwha Plant with thanks.

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