Remember, we have
Kidzone sample toys to design and make for the March meeting.
The rules are that the
toy must be able to be put together by children and be made out of 19mm brads.
You can include wheels in a toy but they are difficult to make and also need to
be fitted usually by parents or woodworker volunteers so if we can design and
make a toy without wheels, that would be better.
And the theme for this year’s kidzone festival
is ADVENTRE so please put your thinking caps on and come
up with a great toy.
Fairy Doors
A number of fairy doors
were delivered to the clubrooms for judging and handing to the Parks Department
of Council. They will fit them into various trees close to the children’s
playground at Queens Park .
What a great variety of
fairy doors we made - well done to all.
The winner will be announced at the March
General Meeting when Lesley McCoy from Parks will address us.
Simon Tonkin
I think the parks department will be very pleased with this great selection indeed.
Memorial Plaque
A special thanks to Peter Robbie who undertook
repairs on two War Memorial plaques. A job of love and absolutely well
done! And what a huge plaque - I don’t think the photo does it justice.
Background from Peter Robbie–
The Memorial was in the Hawthorndale Scout Hall
of which the Scouts gave me permission to remove. As part of the memorial
research and refurbishment, I organized a team to remove it but at the
same time managed to secure some funding from Venture Southland via Bobbi Brown
for the SWWG to restore.
Peter, Ivan, Linden and
I removed the memorial about 14 months ago from the Hall with the Scouts
present to officially farewell it. Over the time, Peter has worked on restoring
the Memorial keeping the aesthetics of it.
The borer had done a huge amount of damage and the ornate Memorial
required some intricate, precise work. Now that the Memorial is restored it will be re-dedicated at the Fiordland Military Museum on 29th
February. A really special occasion.
Peter Robbie
A reminder that the Guild
has some surplus tools for sale and these have been priced and are on the stage
So if you want any of the
tools, pay the Treasurer the amount in cash.
As part of selling tools,
it was asked whether the Guild has an avenue for selling tools? This was
discussed at the February meeting and it was decided that Yes, a member
can place a tool for sale on the stage.
The item must have the price and contact person’s name and phone number.
The Guild will charge 10%
commission. This will be an honesty system of course, so if you sell an item
then you are to provide the Guild with the commission.
The stage is the place to
place any item for sale and this area is a sale area from member to member.
Let us see how this goes
as we may use either our face book page or website for future sales as well.
I know that we have sold some items
through marketplace on face book and that my also be a place for sales.
Workshop Manager role and
member accountability
At February’s
meeting, the role of Workshop Manager was discussed and as part of the
discussions members accountability of members was also discussed. The outcome was that the President would
write down, as part of an induction program, member accountability or
rather, what is expected from a Southern Woodworkers member’s conduct within
the workshop.
Woodworker member accountability
Accountability means
answering or being accountable for your actions and results. Accountability is like rain - everyone
knows they need it but no one wants to get wet.
¨ Each member will
work towards the objectives of the Guild as described in the constitution.
¨ Each member will
ensure that their work area is kept in a clean and tidy manner and be conscious
of other member’s work areas.
¨ Each member shall
be responsible for safety of themselves and others in the workshop.
¨ Each member shall
leave their work area in a clean and tidy manner at the end of the day - this
means ensuring floors and work areas including benches are free from dust
and any waste is removed from the work
¨ Each member shall
only use the Guild’s equipment if they have been properly instructed in its
use. If in doubt, ask for assistance.
The same goes for a member’s own tools when they are being used within the
Guild’s club rooms. If you require assistance, even with your own tools, ask for
¨ Each member shall
assist the workshop manager or a member of the committee when requested and
if able - this request will usually be a verbal request.
¨ Each member shall
treat the guilds workshop and tools as if it was their own and ensure that any
issues with either the building or any tool is reported to the workshop manager.
¨ Each member shall
report a fault on a power tool to the workshop manager and place an out
of order sign on the affected tool immediately the issue is apparent.
¨ Each member shall
foster good relationships with other members.
¨ Each member shall clean up after themselves in
the kitchen / bathroom areas.
The intention is to have this member accountability as part of member
induction and part of each year’s subscription.
So in effect, ALL members will sign this.
As the time of writing
this newsletter we have signed the contract for the roof replacement but don’t
have a date yet as to when this work will take place. But, as noted in
previous newsletters, the work is unlikely to cause any disruption to our
normal use of the clubrooms, except that we will need to park away from the
Further to the February supplementary article on
wood burrs, Jordan has
procured some wood burrs. These are at
the Guild clubrooms and are available for sale - prices are noted on each burr.
So if
you want one or two, you can pay the Treasurer.
tools and equipment
I have been shown some
items that have been placed back in storage in a worse condition than when they
went out to be used. Nail punches that had been ground to what appeared
to be a centre punch, forstner bits that looked like they had been thrown in
a fire. They were placed back in the box in a very poor condition, covered in
burnt on wood and very black.
Please ensure that you
put tools back in the correct place and also in good condition.
The person that gets the
tool out next time doesn’t want to spend a lot of time trying to clean or
reshape the tool to what it used to be like.
And we all understand
that tools get blunt and need sharpening and sometimes you have to manufacture
a tool to do a certain job. But these
ones certainly looked like they had been used to within an inch of their lives
and put back in a poor condition.
We expect better. Please treat the Guild’s tools as if they
were your own. Thank you.
of the week
“If you could kick the
person responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month”
The workshop is away to a good start for the year
with new faces being present especially on Monday nights and this is a very
welcome sight. One of our new faces has been trained in wood carving overseas
and his skill and production is a pleasure to see even if the style looks
different to what we usually see. Unfortunately, as very few of us speak
Spanish, communication is a challenge.
Wednesdays are starting to change from looking
like a firewood factory to more like woodworking club rooms and this is a
pleasing change. One of the original
objectives when the Guild was formed was to encourage an interest in
woodworking rather than being a fundraising organisation. Let us continue to
pursue that objective.
On a positive note, one of our newer members
recently bought a plane to my attention as it was blunt and needed sharpened.
What a pleasant change rather than going to get a plane or chisel and finding
it had been put back in a blunt condition.
Let us continue to follow the original objectives
of the Southland Woodworkers Guild.
Ivan Carran
notice 👀
As stated in the
Southland Woodworkers constitution, notice of the Annual General Meeting
shall be posted to members six weeks before the meeting.
I have taken this to mean
the usual way of correspondence is by email to most members and the few that
still operate by postal service. This notice will also appear on the Guild’s
AGM meeting date - Tuesday
5 May 2020
Business of AGM
is as follows - Agenda
à To receive a report, balance sheet and
statement of accounts for the preceding year.
à Appointment of honorary auditor for the
ensuing year.
à Decide any motion of national policy duly
submitted to the executive 6 weeks before the meeting.
à Discuss annual subscription and decide on
upcoming yearly subscription.
à Nominations and election for officers of the
Guild. They shall be:-
* President
* Vice president
* Secretary
* Treasurer
* 4 committee members
3 weeks prior to the 5th May, you are supposed to receive an agenda for
the AGM, notice of motion, annual report and balance sheet with statement
of accounts. However, due to financial time constraints this will not occur,
financial statements will be handed out on the night of the AGM.
The Agenda shall be as
above. Nomination form is below.
I want to encourage
members to be nominated for the officer bearer positions of the guild as new
ideas and thoughts are helpful to the continued running of the Guild business.
and running of the Guild
Later this month we will
send out notification of the AGM.
This year we will require
a new President and Vice President, and some Committee members. And possibly an Editor, Web master
and face book people - these last 3 positions are not executive
members but appointed members.
So if you think you
have skills in these areas and want to contribute to the successful running of
the Guild please consider putting in your nomination.
A Club like ours only
runs on volunteers doing what they can to assist in the successful
running, this year we have the usual exciting projects from kidzone - our major
fundraising project for the year to cutting up firewood along with assisting
other members get their projects completed - all very worthwhile projects.
So please
consider what you can do for the Guild.
Simon Tonkin
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