Sunday, 2 February 2020

It's February 2020 already

Happy new Year 

Just another happy new year to the members who have been on a big annual leave and just got back all tanned and ready to roll for another season.

Have you checked the Fairy door story yet and made one or two doors perhaps ? Please Check the story below from last month.
These doors must be completed by Saturday, 15th February and delivered to the Clubrooms.


Our services are requested again this year to come up with a toy that matches the festival theme.

This year’s theme is adventure so please all put your thinking caps on so I can present sample toys to the Great South Committee.

And remember the rules are that the toys need to be able to be put together by children - with parents help and using 19mm brads.

And put together in 5 minutes time.  

( and also no glueing the part (s) )
( a real adventure to come up with a great idea )

Car parking signs

We have had both signs removed - clearly someone wanted them more than us - so we will try fitting signs to the buildings and painting yellow lines on the ground.

Building maintenance

Funding has been received for the roofing replacement, we are a little short but hope to make that up with some of our other fundraising during the year.

A roofer has been engaged and when work is due to start I will let you all know but it shouldn’t disrupt us too much.

The main doors have been reclad - thanks Peter, back door and kitchen to go. Floor mats have been purchased for the bottom of the ramp - this is so you can wipe your feet when you go from the dusty workshop into the more pristine area to eat your lunch. Please be mindful of the mess you make and tidy up after yourselves.

Bread boards

Barry and his team have been very busy making 50 odd bread boards for Ryall Bush transport - all out of recycled rimu - top effort to all concerned.

Exhibition debrief

Bev has prepared some sobering thoughts from last year’s exhibition - we were down on members of the public visiting - 183 people over 17 days - was approximately 350 the previous year. And the Guild made approximately $.... in sales. ( we now how much )

The Committee will need to rethink our advertising as there is a very fine line as to spending on advertising and what sales you make but this is partly offset by the fact that we are not paying for rental space in the centre of town.

Maybe a more sharper time frame and advertising wooden toy sales will draw in the public.

December monthly meeting and January Committee meeting – notes General
 Saw sharpening—see Ross Forester for details.
 Plenty of firewood for sale.
 Workshop safety was discussed.
 Funding has been secured for roof renewal.
 Chopping boards are being made for a local company
 Machining second-hand timber was discussed.
 E Hayes trophy presented to Bev—for best in show.
 Neil King’s motorcycle was awarded the Founders Trophy at Oamaru.
 Ken Welsh presented Guild with a new Battery Drill/Driver set.
 Roofing contractor has been contacted.
 Fairy doors, details in last newsletter.
 facebook pages need an Editor
 Kidzone theme for this year is Adventure, ideas are called for.
 Guild’s wooden toys to be advertised for sale.
 Missing ‘No Parking’ signs to be replaced.
 Repairs to main entrance doors almost completed.
 Guild’s surplus tools are for sale, offers accepted.


The saw bench has been sold for scrap due to poor wiring and unsafe guarding.


Edenview has been confirmed to run again this year on August 14th, 15th and 16th, which is the Friday night through to Sunday.

Entry forms will be available from Peter later in the year.  Mark your calendars.

Workshop Manager role 

As you will all be aware Ivan has tendered his resignation from the position of Workshop Manager.

To date we have not sorted out actually what the duties of a workshop manager are, we no doubt all had our own ideas but we had nothing written down or even a loose agreement except the understanding that someone had to look after the workshop.

So in the interests of starting the discussion I have jotted down some thoughts on what I see should be the roles of a workshop manager.  I should note that I don’t see the workshop manager actually             undertaking all this work as he/she could delegate some of the tasks to members where members agree to undertake some task.

So this is all up for discussion and debate with a majority voting rule.

And probably one of the first questions is—do we require a workshop manager?


Workshop Manager role – duties  

more on this topic when the dust has settled and something has been nutted out after Simon's discussion paper has been read and discussed by committee and members.  P.

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