Wednesday, 15 December 2021

End of year notice and president's ramblings

 For the socially minded  members please note that 
there will be lunch this  Saturday 18 December at $5 a pop 
for  a      fingerlicking good KFC treat
Your welcome to bring your own drinks and perhaps something nice

for a " spot of pud " ( Gloria saizz )


Merry Christmas to all, see you again in 2022

(  from your humble webmaster )



A year of highs and lows.

A large number of people to thank for their efforts and achievements, and lots of brickbats to those who make use of the facilities available and do nothing to maintain the camaraderie and spirit that exists within the core of members.

The poor attendance at the monthly meetings reflects this, and I feel that some members should question themselves as to why they firstly joined the Guild, and why they continue to be members.

There are members who have other commitments and work obligations, but an occasional offer of help and an appearance at the rooms to help with Guild projects would certainly be appreciated.  The lack of enthusiasm during Kidzone, which is a major source of revenue for the Guild, was alarming, as was the lack of response to the proposed toy making weekend.

There were however a few highlights, notably the exhibition was a resounding success, both with exhibits and items sold.

My congratulations to all category winners, and special thank you to Beverly for her endeavours during that period.

A vote of thanks also to the Committee members for their help and assistance, and for the help that is done behind the scenes.  Gloria has been tremendous for her efforts in keeping the members informed and up to date with what has, or is about, to happen.  Thanks also to Kevin and those who contributed to the Barbecue to cap off the exhibition, and a special thanks to Glenda and Zara for their never ending help, especially during Kidzone.   

Have a happy and merry festive season.  Hope to see you all in the new year, hopefully with a more numerous response to the joint endeavours of Guild activities.

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