Tuesday 9 April 2024


 The Southland Woodworkers Guild was approached late last year about running classes for some of the SIT Ruru School students, resulting in these guys coming on Thursday mornings for three weeks.  Guild members pre-cut the timber for the items it was decided they'd make. The first week they made a bird feeder, the next week a bird, and the week after, they made a catapult.  They were keen to come back again this year, this time for four Thursday mornings.  The first week, they made a great job of hand sanding their pieces ready for the following week.  Over the following three Thursday mornings, they constructed a tool box, a stool, and a mailbox.  They were all a delight to work with and their enthusiasm and joy with their finished products was contagious - well done guys!!!   
Now the SIT Ruru School girls were keen to have a go, so next month we will be working with them